A 2016 article published on businesstech.co.za about how much money robbers make in South Africa, revealed quite a few things. Apparently The Brackenfell Community Policing Forum obtained an interview with an alleged member of the ‘crowbar gang’ in 2016, who gave them insight into house burglaries.

The ins and outs of how a burglary would happen were discussed. Things that they looked for when a house was being targeted, the areas they focused on and they even checked parking lots at the local Spur or Steers, during days that these restaurants had specials. They targeted houses in areas where the house prices were good, that were easily accessible and were close to exit routes. The areas that were closer to informal settlements where they could just disappear to avoid the police were ideal.

This robber said in the interview that houses in so called richer areas almost always had safes. They made their money by mainly stealing things of high value like gold, jewelry, Kruger Rands, and almost always stole multiple types of firearms. During the interview the gang member also said that they were always appropriately and well dressed and drove nice cars as to avoid suspicion and to be able to blend in with the area they targeted. They never looked out of place and police can’t identify them on a vehicle alone.

He disclosed that a team of three robbers made about R8000 over a period of three to four days on stolen TVs that they sold alone. This excluded the other valuables, such as jewelry, cash and Weapons. He went on to describe exactly where they go to first once they have gained entry. The main safe was normally in the main bedroom, in a clothing cupboard and that some are not even bolted down but even if it were bolted down, these were generally no match for a well-placed crowbar.

He revealed that the key was to quickly get in and out, “Criminals do not want to spend time on forcing entry into property, as this increased chances of being caught.”

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*Source: https://businesstech.co.za/news/lifestyle/134843/how-much-money-robbers-make-in-south-africa-and-how-they-target-you/
