3 Main Reasons Why You Should Secure Your Car Dealership With Maxidor Roller Shutters.


As South Africa slowly reopens the economy after the hard lockdown, car dealerships will start resuming activity. Cars are valuable and glass to showrooms is breakable. Keep showing off your beautiful cars during the day, but close them up during the night.

Roller shutters are becoming a sought after security barrier, especially in securing retail stores and car dealerships. Here are the three main reasons why:

1. Hard core protection

Roller shutters are durable and strong offering hard core security. It’s very difficult to break through a shopfront or showroom window. Solid Roller Shutters make it difficult for criminals to see through the windows into the shop to view what, and how they can break into the showroom. However, Maxidor’s roller shutters can be designed either solid or in perforated slats depending on the needs of the customer.

2. Professional and functionally built.

Roller Shutter doors provide car dealership premises with a professional and clean appearance. The shutters can be motorized or can be manually operated and are available in a variety of colours to ensure a perfect fit with the brands colours. What is convenient with a roller shutter is that when you open it up, it is neatly stowed away at the top of the window, leaving your showroom windows visibile during operating hours and totally secured after hours. Easy to use, while providing maximum security. 

3. Added Property Value and Reduced Insurance.

Roller Shutters can increase the property and business value as it offers added convenience and protection to the next potential owner. Car dealerships probably also have huge monthly insurance premiums as cars are a high-end consumer products making it very valuable. Installing Roller Shutters might also reduce your insurance premiums because of the added security benefit.

Previously Car Dealerships were reluctant to install Roller Shutters. The main reason was that they wanted to show off their cars after hours to people who walked or drove by. But with the crime spikes businesses and especially showrooms showcasing valuable goods now need to secure their merchandise more than ever. Contact Maxidor on 0860 131 131 or visit www.maxidor.co.za to get a quote on Roller Shutters, Burglar Bars, Expandable Security Gates, and Fencing.
