Can security be trendy and enhance your home? The answer is YES!

More and more people are discovering the Beauty and Benefit of using Roller Shutters to secure their homes homes and businesses.

A roller shutter is in essence a solid steel barrier available in various colours and styles that rolls away neatly into a compact canopy at the touch of a button. The Maxishutter™ range of steel roller shutter doors offer an aesthetically superior solution to secure any opening using a solid barrier for ultimate peace of mind.

The benefits of installing a Maxishutter™ to secure windows, doors and patios, include:

  • The strength of a solid barrier for ultimate safety and protection that rolls away almost completely when not needed
  • Customised paint finish to match surroundings
  • Ease of operation with a choice of a motorised or manual shutter
  • A choice of solid or perforated slats for varying privacy needs
  • The ultimate Maxidor Buy-Back Guarantee  on any product installed
  • High quality materials for durability, corrosion resistance and proven reliability

Peace of mind should not be a luxury, it should be a given. Installing a Maxidor product gives you the peace of mind that your family and possessions are safe. The luxury aspect comes in with the style and beauty of a Maxidor roller shutter.

If you are looking for a reliable security barrier that compliments your home or business, contact Maxidor for a quote on 0860 131 131.

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