Close the Gate on Crime

Criminals are always coming up with new ways in which to gain access to premises, relieve us of our prized possessions and to con us out of our hard-earned money. It is really quite astonishing to see the tricks and techniques they deploy to commit crime.

One of the most common crimes in the country remains burglary, and one of the craftiest of all criminals remains the burglar – because he is largely an opportunist and opportunists, like a sly fox, have to wait for just the right moment to get in and get out with the spoils.

Every second counts for a burglar, which is why you need to ensure that he runs out of time, gives up and moves on to more easy pickings. Burglars prefer flimsy security gates, unlocked doors and unprotected windows.

The festive season would have seen many families return from holiday to a home which a burglar or two had visited. Entire homes, from living areas to bedrooms and studies, ransacked and plundered of sentimental and valuable items.

We are sure many of the affected homeowners, at that point, standing in the mess that was once their orderly home, would have seen what value a good, solid security gate would have added inside the home.

Consider the benefit of security gates, such as expandable barrier gates. These are a non-invasive form of securing your home and can be applied in many areas, such as entrance doors, passage doors, patio doors and windows. While you can’t wrap your entire home from roof to floor in burglar proofing (unfortunately), an expandable barrier gate does allow you to create a safety zone for your family, by dividing certain areas of the home.

What better peace of mind than to be able to take an afternoon nap on the weekend while nobody else is home behind the safety of a security gate which separates your bedroom from the rest of the house.

Security gates, such as these, are also a popular option for businesses, for shop fronts and as shop dividers. Of course, there is also the Maxidor Slamlock™ security gate, which offers uncontested peace of mind. The locking system of the Slamlock™ is a double-throw system and the flights used in the design put 13.6mm of steel between you and a possible threat. Now that’s real security!

And, the Slamlock™ is proudly endorsed by a 10-year Buy-Back™ guarantee, valid from the date of payment and installation, if the system was installed by a Maxidor agent.

Many people in South Africa today remain complacent about security and end up being surprised by criminals inside their homes or businesses. One of the foremost means of remaining safe is good-quality security gates.
